カリフォルニア州不動産セールスエージェントの傍ら、経営戦略、データ アナリティクス、コミュニケーション戦略、新規事業開発経験、マーケティングリサーチも専門に行っております。
I am a licensed real estate sales agent in California, and alongside that, I specialize in business strategy, data analytics, communication strategy, new business development, and marketing research.
I have extensive experience in assisting Japanese companies with their expansion into the United States, as well as American companies looking to enter the Japanese market, including launching new business ventures and overseas services. Drawing from my entrepreneurial background, I strive to provide property recommendations from the perspective of a business owner. Utilizing these experiences, I aim to understand the unique needs of each client and provide them with the most suitable and attentive service with committed to carrying out my work diligently and efficiently for Japanese style.
Phone: 949-662-8805
email: slc84124@icloud.com
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/makotoozaki/